
Machine Learning, Statistics and Graphs

7. Tam, E., & Dunson, D. (2022). Multiscale Graph Comparison via the Embedded Laplacian Distance. preprint. arxiv

6. Tam, E., & Dunson, D. (2020). Fiedler Regularization: Learning Neural Networks with Graph Sparsity. Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2020). PDF

Biomedical Research and Applications

5. Ratnanather, J. T., …, Tam, E., …, Bae, S.-H. (2021). An mHealth App (Speech Banana) for Auditory Training: App Design and Development Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 9(3), e20890.

4. Khalid, S. I., Kelly, R., Adogwa, O., Carlton, A., Tam, E., Naqvi, S., … Khanna, R. (2019). Pediatric Brainstem Gliomas: A Retrospective Study of 180 Patients from the SEER Database. Pediatric neurosurgery, 1–14.

3. Joseph, R. M., Sun, J. S., Tam, E., & Carlson, J. R. (2017). A receptor and neuron that activate a circuit limiting sucrose consumption. Elife, 6, e24992.

2. Hand, R. A., Khalid, S., Tam, E., & Kolodkin, A. L. (2015). Axon dynamics during neocortical laminar innervation. Cell reports, 12(2), 172–182.

1. Tang, K., Sharpe, W., Schulz, A., Tam, E., Grosse, I., Tis, J., & Cullinane, D. (2014). Determining bruise etiology in muscle tissue using finite element analysis. Journal of forensic sciences, 59(2), 371–374